Hey, Listen!

As the days grow shorter our tendency to grind longer and harder increases. We set our hearts to gaming… we believe it’s finally time to start taking care of the most important player character in your life – yourself.
We invite you to expand your horizons & start setting your heart to health.

And to help with that, please accept this side quest for even more glory, loot & general well-being.
That’s right, the first official bespoke MADMONQ® TikTok competition is here! Start your engines at 16:00 GMT, 17 November, and go AFK at 9:00 GMT, 1 December.
As you know, our prime directive is to push gamers to pay as much attention to their well-being as they do to their hardware. And this competition aims to do just that, one TikTok at a time.

So get your MADMONQs, your CHAMPIONs & your smartphones ready to capture a moment that put you closer to fulfilling your command and share it on TikTok with the #madmonqcommand hashtag (extra XP if you say it out loud with a cool robot voice).
Did you just:
- do 5 push-ups every time you got destroyed in Tarkov?
- take your Champion after becoming the MVP in Overwatch 2?
- climb that wall that scared you for ages?
- take your goodest-boy on an epic journey?
… these would be dank Madmonq Command Moments to record!

After a month of amazing & proud MADMONQ® moments, we will sift through your submissions and select three winners in the following categories:
- Most views
- Most comments
- Most MADMONQ® (with the community ruling on this one)
… and reward their achievement with a beautiful HEARTCORE Cap Bundle!
So get TikTokking while you are Madmonqing so you can get to the unboxing!
- Do something amazing, that you are proud of – on or offline
- Record the moment
- Say “madmonqcommand” (robo-voice welcome) on the video
- Post it on TikTok with the #MadmonqMadeMeDoIt hashtag
- …
- Profit !!!
And if you need some HYPE-MATERIAL, feast your eyes on this:
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