“Why the f*ck did you guys write a blog post about a kiwi?”
That’s a very good question.
So.. sit down, open your mind and relax.
Start reading very slowly. Everything will make sense, we promise…
The story goes like this. Michal, our CEO & a health pioneer, is infamous for his never ending stream of health hacks and random facts about ducks or other various animals.
This time Michal said we should all eat one kiwi a day. “One kiwi a day helps you slay”, he said. Mighty dragons, tough bosses or any enemy of your choice (looking at you washing machine).
We thought this was a joke and exaggeration but decided to give it a shot and start eating kiwis just for the memes. The MADMONQ office soon resembled a kiwi plantation. Kiwis everywhere. Facts about the legendary power of kiwi became running jokes. You opened the fridge and BAM! Kiwis.
Lunch? Kiwis. Snack? Kiwi. We were this close to adopting a kiwi bird.
We dived deep into the kiwi business only to learn that Michal was right.
So what’s the deal with this awesome piece of fruit?
Kiwi originates from central and easter China. It has been consumed since the times of the Tang Dynasty (AD 618–907) for a whole lot of medicinal purposes including aiding digestion, reducing irritability or curing dyspepsia and vomiting.
Kiwi has eluded domestication for centuries. It was only around 100 years ago when the first pioneers managed to tame wild kiwis and start the cultivation process. Thanks to these brave souls you can easily grab one at your local supermarket.
Here are some kiwi nutritional and health facts for the science nerds (Michal approves).
In short, kiwi benefits for you:
- High source of vitamin C. In fact kiwi has the highest vitamin C content of any other commonly eaten fruit. The SunGold kiwi contains 161.3 mg vitamin C per 100 g, which exceeds the usual levels OVER 9000! Ok, not exactly. But still you will find 3x more vitamin C in this kiwi than in oranges or strawberries. This indispensable vitamin works as an immunity booster and helps manage multiple body processes including taming high blood pressure in tense situations.
- ResidentGoodSleeper. Kiwi contains antioxidants and serotonin which are beneficial in sleep disorders. The total antioxidant capacity of kiwifruit was reported to be higher than apple, grapefruit and pear. Shame on you, apple!
- League of extraordinary vitamins and minerals. Vitamins A, B6, B12, E, and potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium. These are all like Avengers for your body that help you with many body processes, increase your blood circulation, support your vision (goodbye, fog of war), and take care of your nerve and muscle functions (300 APM anyone?).
- Poop like a champ – plenty of fiber (awesome for digestion) and an proteolytic enzyme called actinidin helps break down food, especially protein. Kiwi is guaranteed to help you rank up in the Bristol Poop Chart.
TL;DR Eat a kiwi every day to be a better gamer!
1. Pro gamers eat the skin too.
Eating the golden kiwi skin is like hitting a multiplier – you double the content of fiber from 2 to 4 grams per serving and stock up on extra antioxidants.
2. You can make a kiwi burger. It’s like pizza Hawai, but healthier.
3. We got great news.
In the Healthy calendar 2021 is the year of kiwi. This year’s harvest is going to break the kiwi bank. There’s no need to fear that your supermarket or favourite 7-Eleven store will run out of kiwis. Not this year.
4. Because it is so packed with nutrients, Italians call kiwi the “frutto della salute”, which translates to “the health fruit”.
5. Kiwi helps fight Alzheimer disease. The secret weapon of kiwi is fisetin – relatively new compound studied mainly for its anti-cancer and diabetes properties, but now showing promise for a groundbreaking strategy in protecting the brain from dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
How did the science guys find out? Like they usually do. Mice experiments. They took two groups of mice and genetically programmed them to develop Alzheimer’s.
Press F.
The first group of mice was fed water with fisetin, while the second, not-so-lucky group, got pure water. After nine months, the team no-fisetin started to show signs of cognitive decline, while the team fisetin showed no sign of decline.
TEAM SPOON. You eat kiwi politely like an english lord eats his soft-boiled eggs.
TEAM MOON. You peel it and slice it into little moon shaped pieces. To the kiwi moon! Also, what a waste of time.
TEAM ALPHA. You assert dominance over your kiwis by eating them whole. In front of other kiwis.
Share your kiwi stories with us #kiwieveryday
Kiwi Heralds of MADMONQ®
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