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User settings

If set to true, user link in profile will be shown as madmonq.gg/referralcode instead of madmonq.gg?ref=referralcode This does not add redirect for madmonq.gg/referralcode, this has to be set up on nginx level

Set the value only when creating the affiliate. Do not change this value if affiliate already has referred orders.

Every order referred by affiliate will have its total (without taxes and fees) multiplied by this value and attributed to the affiliate. Leave empty to give affiliate zero percentage profits per order

This value will be added to affiliate for every completed order in currency selected above. Leave empty to give affiliate zero fixed profits per order

This is only informative field and will have no impact on profits calculations whatsoever

Rank will be added to user rank calculated from subscription orders. For example if user has 3 orders and starting rank 2, final user rank will be 5

Only for information purposes, do not change the value (will not do anything anyways)

Registration confirmation will be emailed to you.

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